Archive for the ‘Book jacket’ Category


August 27, 2010

As summer is slowly (emphasis on slowly) grinding to a halt I thought I would put together a bit of a round up.  I was kept remarkably busy and even managed to fit in a fair amount of traveling too.  Places to knock off the list: Los Angeles, Cincinnati, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, and numerous trips down to ‘ol Philadelphia.  LA was cool, but not for me, Cincinnati has way to many state fairs and parades, and I swear it, Im moving to Vermont next year. Oh and Philly, its cool, I see you.

Along with the usual stuff, I have been involved in some long term projects these past few months and while I can’t really share much right now I thought a few previews could do some good. Summer may be winding down, but people, it’s only September (not even) we still have plenty of time!  SO here is a little bit of a round up, Including a new personal piece which follows along in the series from my MFA Thesis.

Full page for OC Magazine, which goes with the drop cap from below. (not a long term project!)

Rough drawing of character for a 4 image assignment about haunted locations around America

crop of the final…

crop of 1 of 4 haunted locations

crop of 2 of 4 haunted locations

crop of 3 of 4 haunted locations

Part of the drawing for personal piece. ‘Duke’s Dilemma’

Crop of final, still workin’ this one out…

One small piece of a really fun book cover assignment

…Im also doing the cover type.

Hope you enjoy, will share the big picture as soon as I can.
